The night before, a cold front moved in, so we packed warm. Drysuits, Down jackets etc, all added to the weight that had to be lugged along. And its mostly uphill….. Oh, it also started snowing on the way. We had planned to split the hike in half, but due to Max’s work commitments we decided to do it all in a day.

Much huffing and puffing, and back strain later, we finally reached the river. The skies cleared, and we collapsed for the night. (A very cold night). At camp, we were visted by cute fluffy Marmots... They looked good enough to eat after that hike.....
By morning, skies were blue, and river levels seemed low. We met up with Josh and Matias at the put in, and headed out onto the river. The first couple of miles of slides were pretty scrapey, but soon the river gorged up and we were into classic granite drops and slots.
Mid Afternoon we took out and inspected the Cherry Bomb gorges. And miraculously they all looked good. After all the LVM pre-inspection video watching, it actually looked paddleable! Both Kev and Josh had been here before, but both had passed on the gorges due to levels. This time though, things were different and very manageable. (But still very scarey!)
Cherry Bomb Falls (from above)

Max (intentional Wavewheel, or something) - teacups above camp
The next day, runs of the Waterfall, double pothole, and the second set of teacups went smoothly, despite some backwards double pothole runs.

After these gorged sections, the river spread out some, and alternated between being scrapey, and gorged up. That was the price to pay for the right levels for Cherry Bomb….
After the West Cherry Confluence, we paddled the Red Gorge, and the runout rapids. Only incidents were me breaking a paddle, and Matias spending a short time in a cave……
A short trip across the lake, and we were done…..The cold weather had made for an interesting hike, but had dropped levels perfectly to allow a full run of Upper Cherry gorges. Perhaps we could have done with a little more water for some of the other bits, but I wouldn’t have wanted too much more for a first run of Cherry Bomb Gorge.
A day later, my back still hurts from the hike in……
Yosemite Wilderness
The temps dropped and the flurry of snow flakes I (Cheryl) decided not to hike Cherry Creek and instead go off on my own adventure.
My first hike was in to the back wilderness of Yosemite to Lake Eleanor. A short 5 mile round hike, I didn't meet a single person except a ranger hiking into his post in Miguel medows. The unkempt trail meant hoardes of beautiful flowers and wildlife, unlike the animals in the main Yosmite park they run away on my appraoch.

More Pictures available on our Webshots Page... Use the Our Pictures link to the right of the page to take you to the main page.
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