Saturday, November 10, 2007

New Zealand Kayaking

After our quick stay in Christchurch kitting out our new home(r), we set off for some rivers. First stop was a quick blast or two on the Hurinui, one of the nearest rivers to Christchurch, that still seemed a long way away. Homer is a little slower at full speed than Astro, but that is solved now we have discovered the secret fifth gear, and we can now go at warp speed (80km/h).

The Hurinui was a short mellow class 3 gorge run. Very scenic, and a great warm up. We had our first night camped out up there, and it was pretty cold! We also had a reminder of what happens if you drive shuttle too fast! (not our vehicle!)

Simon on didmo disinfecting duty

From there we headed over the Lewis Pass to Murchison, which is one of the main Kayak centres in the South Island. We popped into the New Zealand Kayak school to meet Mick Hopkinson, kayak legend.

We've spent a few days paddling the local runs on the Buller, Matakitaki, and Glenroy, with a variety of other travelling kayakers, which is great since we'd had enough of walking the shuttle on the Hurinui.

We're now spending a relaxing day at the hot springs. A few more days boating in Murchison, then we'll head out down the West coast before Queenstown.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Good photos from NZ. I am currently in NZ, although working offshore. South of Bluff.

Long shot:

Crew change on the 19th? ywill you be in invercargill on this date? or christchurc?

helicopter into invercargill on the morning of the 19th before flying after lunch or soemtime to christchurch for a flight home to sweden.

