Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Go CATS Go!!

No I am not talking about the furry kind... I am talking about pure Brawn and Muscle..the UVM Catamounts ice hockey team.
Since my first UVM game I have been hooked..dragging Simon and various friends along to the games whenever I could get tickets.
Some Stats
UVM Mens Hockey have had close to 60 consecutive sell out games.
Tickets are seriously hard to come by.
Rumour is there is a 20 year Waiting list for season ticket holders.
There is no fighting allowed in college games. Any fighting is punished with a session in the sin bin!!
Okay so I don't know any actual Team stats except UVM are currently ranked 15th in the overall USA University Hockey league.
Here are some pictures of the last game...

"Go Cats Go" The Cats Congrats after Scoring.

The Action!!

Ouch... A CATS player slams a UMASS player into the glass!!

I finally meet Rally!! Rally is the UVM Mascot.. I love Rally Raoooow!!

Rally Runs Away in horror at the thought of been Catnapped by me... cute tail wag!!

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