Our first river was the Leven (Cheryl: after paddling this little gem I can't believe I lived on its banks for so long and never paddled)

With not many days before we returned to work we decided to have a short holiday because we needed it in Scotland. Scotland however wasn't quite so inviting....

While Cheryl stayed toasty warm in the car sniffling into tissues, Si braved the cold weather to run three of Scotlands ditches, The Kinglas, orchy and Nevis falls.

Following Scotland we have had a busy week. We have both been offered positions at BAE Telford, and start on Tuesday 15th. We have found a stunning little cottage in Wrockwardine, and move in next Friday. Cheryl found a perfect kayak mobile, Pip Squeak!!

To top off all our good news Portsmouth have made it in to the Cup final ..YEAH
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